Wednesday, October 22, 2014

What's in a Title

I have had a few assignments where my role has been Test Manager or Test Team Lead. 
Common titles, but what has the actual job description been behind these titles ?
A common description is usually: Manage a team to ensure that quality is delivered.
But what does this really mean ?

My take is that as a TM or TTL you are responsible for the team and the testing you do. Yes I mean you, not them, as to me the TM or TTL should also be involved in the testing as much as the team. If you end up just attending meetings and setting policies or work processes your title should probably be Test Strategist or even Project manager. If you are to lead a team one must know what is being tested and how, and this means getting your hands dirty and run tests alongside the team. Doing this will get you the information needed to lead the team, make good decisions and hopefully feel confident when reporting the status to the project.
For me one of the most important roles as TM/TTL is to shield the team from unnecessary discussions, especially politics, and allow them to do the work that is needed and what they excel at. This might mean that it is on you to explain why the team is working in a certain way. Or act as a mediator between the team and the project management when questions arise.

One important factor to remember when changing from different teams and/or assignments is that no two teams are the same. What worked last time might not work here. Different project methodology, different system, different people and skills etc.
This is where communication comes in. Listen to the team, discuss the expectations, talk about the way forward and so on. But DO NOT forget to have a similar discussion with the organization as well. What you and the team decides must be communicated so that managements expectations are also met.  

So what should the job description be, or contain?
Simple: Mediator - consolidate the requests from management with the needs and wishes of the team
Simpler: Gatekeeper - protect the team and let them work in peace.
Simplest:Team Member

Final comment:

Titles should not define you, it's the work you do that defines you.


  1. Nice. A good and concise explanation of what that role means to you. But titles do define you. It defines you professionally against people who dont know you or your work.

    Personally I feel we have too few role descriptions in the test profession. We need to specialize more.

    1. I agree with you that there is a need for diversification within test, and possible even specializations.
      But when specializing the titles becomes even more evident and needed and will define you and put you into a certain folder, which to me is a bit of a step back.
      Another way forward would be to ensure better knowledge and acknowledgment within organizations regarding test.
